Long time no see! I’m excited to inform you that I am in fact still alive! This site has fallen into inactivity and disrepair, but I intend to rectify that. I’ve already added some smaller updates to my github and qualifications pages. Expect me to follow suit with the blog as well.

Since my previous updates, I’ve been mostly occupied with work and embraced physical fitness. The latter has been extremely fulfilling and helped me push myself to limits I didn’t think I could reach.

As of recently, I’ve also wanted to engage in more mental pursuits outside of the ones I perform for my work. In particular I want to be more involved in FOSS (Free & Open-Source Software) community. I have used FOSS for my own personal (I don’t use Arch, btw. I use Fedora.) and professional use, so it’s time to give back! In addition to paying it forward, I also admire the spirit of the FOSS community: people from all over the world in several walks of life working together to create software that accomplishes a myriad of different use cases for people.

To that effect I’ve opened PRs in Hyprshot and even started my own FOSS project, the Oscar Trash CLI named after Sesame Street’s very own Trash Can-inhabiting Oscar the Grouch. Who else is best positioned to help you manange your trash from the command line? Time will tell if this project goes anywhere, but I have the utmost confidence in myself to achieve a high standard for this project.

In all seriousness, expect me to give future updates on the progress of that project as I make progress. I think this will be a very interesting experience for me and I’m excited to share it with the world!

Until next time, have a wonderful day wherever in the world you are!